We have been assessing the effectiveness of four of MoFA’s programs that account for the bulk of its annual expenditures: fertilizer subsidy, block farming, national buffer stock and the establishment of mechanization centers (AMSEC). The assessments are being undertaken in collaboration with two local consulting firms: GIMPA Consulting Services (on fertilizer subsidy, block farming and buffer stocks) and Smarteam Service Limited (on AMSEC). The local consultants and three of our colleagues, Sam Benin, Michael Johnson, and Kipo Jimah, spent last week at a retreat in Dodowa discussing the findings from each program's analysis, synthesizing information, and assembling the draft report. On Wednesday, Laval Trambly (CIDA), Michael Anderson (USAID), Lena Otoo (MoFA) and Josephine Quagraine (MoFA) had an opportunity to visit the group, discuss the work in progress, and provide feedback.
On Friday, the team presented preliminary findings at a meeting of the MoFA-DP Group at the PPMED library. The meeting was attended by the Chief Director, heads of various programs in the Ministry, and representatives of key donors to the sector. The discussions were followed by a reception we hosted at the Afia Hotel. The study team has promised to make the draft report available by October 28, 2011 and it will then be shared with the Agriculture Sector Working Group for their feedback.