Managing agricultural enterprises and developing agricultural value chains: Cases on agribusinesses
2024Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Naik, Gopal; Tsamenyi, Mathew; Babu, Suresh Chandra

Book Chapter
Agricultural trade integration in ECOWAS
2024Bouët, Antoine; Diallo, Souleymane Sadio; Traoré, Fousseini

Book Chapter
Ultra-processed food environments: Aligning policy beliefs from the state, market, and civil society
2023Mockshell, Jonathan Yaw; Ritter, Thea Nielsen

Book Chapter
The dynamics of Africa’s fruit and vegetable processing sectors
2022Schreinemachers, Pepijn; Ambali, Mwasilwa; Mwambi, Mercy; Olanipekun, Caleb Ibukun; Yegbemey, Rosaine Nerice; Wopereis, Marco C.S.

A photographic food atlas with portion sizes of commonly consumed foods in Accra, Ghana
Alhassan, Jamil; Tetteh, Matilda; Afuanimaa, Belinda; Koch, Bastien; McCloskey, Peter; Gangupantulu, Rohit; Braga, Bianca C.; Hughes, David; Gelli, Aulo

Book Chapter
Agricultural mechanization in Ghana: Alternative supply models for tractor hiring services
2020Diao, Xinshen; Takeshima, Hiroyuki

Book Chapter
An evolving paradigm for Africa and synthesis of the lessons from Asia
2020Diao, Xinshen; Silver, Jed; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Zhang, Xiaobo

Book Chapter
Policies for competitive and sustainable agricultural production systems: A case study of Ghana’s recent mechanization interventions
2020Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Diao, Xinshen; Aboagye, Patrick Ohene

Book Chapter
Using mobile-phone technology to change behaviour: Lessons from mNutrition
2020Barnett, Inka; Gordon, Jessica; Faith, Becky; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Palloni, Giordano; Batchelor, Simon; Scott, Nigel

An evolving paradigm of agricultural mechanization development: How much can Africa learn from Asia?
2020Diao, Xinshen; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Zhang, Xiaobo

Book Chapter
Cities and rural transformation: A spatial analysis of rural youth livelihoods in Ghana
2019Diao, Xinshen; Fang, Peixun; Magalhaes, Eduardo; Pahl, Stefan; Silver, Jed

Ghana’s economic and agricultural transformation: Past performance and future prospects
2019Diao, Xinshen; Hazell, Peter B.R.; Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Agricultural transformation in the savannah: Perspectives from the village
2019Johnson, Michael E.; Houssou, Nazaire; Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Hazell, Peter B.R.

Book Chapter
Future prospects
2019Diao, Xinshen; Hazell, Peter B.R.; Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Strong democracy, weak state: The political economy of Ghana’s stalled structural transformation
2019Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Introduction [in Ghana’s economic and agricultural transformation]
2019Diao, Xinshen; Hazell, Peter B.R.; Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Unleashing the power of mechanization
2019Diao, Xinshen; Cossar, Frances; Houssou, Nazaire; Kolavalli, Shashidhara

Book Chapter
Public expenditure on agriculture and its impact
2019Benin, Samuel

Book Chapter
Ghana’s agricultural transformation: Past patterns and sources of change
2019Hazell, Peter B.R.; Diao, Xinshen; Magalhaes, Eduardo

Book Chapter
Ghana’s economy-wide transformation: Past patterns and future prospects
2019Diao, Xinshen; Hazell, Peter B.R.

Book Chapter
Urbanization and its impact on Ghana’s rural transformation
2019Diao, Xinshen; Magalhaes, Eduardo; Silver, Jed

Book Chapter
Developing agricultural value chains
2019Kolavalli, Shashidhara

The cocoa coast: The board-managed cocoa sector in Ghana
2017Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Vigneri, Marcella

Structural change, fundamentals, and growth: A framework and case studies
2017McMillan, Margaret S.; Rodrik, Dani; Sepúlveda, Claudia

Book Chapter
Human and institutional capacity for climate resilient agriculture: Lessons from Bangladesh, Ghana, India and Vietnam
2017Babu, Suresh Chandra; De Pinto, Alessandro

Book Chapter
Structural change in a poor African country: New historical evidence from Ghana
2017Osei, Robert Darko; Jedwab, Rémi

Book Chapter
Economic development and nutrition transition in Ghana: Taking stock of food consumption patterns and trends
2016Ecker, Olivier; Fang, Peixun

Book Chapter
Factors influencing the effectiveness of productivity-enhancing interventions: an assessment of selected programs
2016Karugia, Joseph T.; Massawe, Stella C.; Guthiga, Paul M.; Ogada, M.; Nwafor, M.; Chilonda, Pius; Musaba, E.

Book Chapter
Introduction: Why aid and democracy?: Why Africa?
2013Resnick, Danielle; van de Walle, Nicolas

Book Chapter
Democratization in Africa: What role for external actors?
2013Resnick, Danielle; van de Walle, Nicolas

Book Chapter
Democratic trajectories in Africa: Conclusions and policy recommendations
2013Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Ghana [In West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis]
2013Nutsukpo, D.K.; Jalloh, Abdulai; Zougmoré, Robert B.; Nelson, Gerald C.; Thomas, Timothy S.

Democratic trajectories in Africa: Unravelling the impact of foreign aid
2013Resnick, Danielle; van de Walle, Nicolas

West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis
2013Jalloh, Abdulai; Nelson, Gerald C.; Thomas, Timothy S.; Zougmoré, Robert B.; Roy-Macauley, Harold

Book Chapter
Overview [In West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis]
2013Jalloh, Abdulai; Faye, MD; Roy-Macauley, Harold; Sérémé, P; Zougmoré, Robert B.; Thomas, Timothy S.; Nelson, Gerald C.

Strategies and priorities for African agriculture: Economywide perspectives from country studies
2012Diao, Xinshen; Thurlow, James; Benin, Samuel; Fan, Shenggen

Book Chapter
2012Breisinger, Clemens; Diao, Xinshen; Thurlow, James; Benin, Samuel; Kolavalli, Shashidhara

Book Chapter
Simulating the impact of the global economic crisis and policy responses on children in West and Central Africa
2012Cockburn, John; Fofana, Ismaël; Tiberti, Luca

Book Chapter
Public expenditures and agricultural productivity growth in Ghana
2012Benin, Samuel; Mogues, Tewodaj; Cudjoe, Godsway; Randriamamonjy, Josée

A new era of transformation in Ghana: Lessons from the past and scenarios for the future
2011Breisinger, Clemens; Diao, Xinshen; Kolavalli, Shashidhara; Al Hassan, Ramatu M.; Thurlow, James

Gender and governance in rural services: Insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia
Paulos, Zelekawork; Raabe, Katharina; Randriamamonjy, Josee; Sekher, Madhushree; Sun, Yan; Tadesse, Fanaye

Book Chapter
Towards functional biosafety regulatory frameworks in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Malawi
2009Alhassan, Walter S.; Cronquist, Catarina; Komen, John; Manda, Alick; Wafula, David; Sengooba, Theresa; Mkoko, Boniface

Book Chapter
Women's land rights in the transition to individualized ownership: implications or tree resources in Western Ghana
2003Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Payongayong, Ellen; Aidoo, J. B.; Otsuka, Keijiro

Household decisions, gender, and development: A synthesis of recent research
Udry, Christopher R.; Zwarteveen, Margaret

Book Chapter
Livelihoods in the city: challenges and options for the urban poor
2002Garrett, James L.

Book Chapter
Land rights and natural resource management in the transition to individual ownership: case studies from Ghana and Indonesia
2001Otsuka, Keijiro; Quisumbing, Agnes R.

Book Chapter
Agroforestry management in Ghana
2001Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Aidoo, J. B.; Payongayong, Ellen; Otsuka, Keijiro

Book Chapter
Determinants of time spent in nonfarm employment by farmers in northern Ghana
1999Delgado, Christopher L.; Abdulai, Awudu

Measuring nutritional dimensions of household food security: Technical guide: strengthening the household food security and nutritional aspects of IFAD poverty alleviation projects: developing operational methodologies for project design and monitoring
1999Morris, Saul Sutkover