How can Ghana transform agriculture into a modernized sector that makes substantial contribution to overall economic growth?
This year, GSSP is implementing a new workplan organized around this single underlying strategic question. Our research will focus on (1) identifying opportunities for change, (2) analyzing costs and benefits of such development opportunities, (3) identifying constraints to transformation that can be addressed through policy and strategy-making, and (4) improving the quality of sectoral governance.
A number of projects are in the works, including:
- An evaluation of the 2008 fertilizer subsidy program
- A look at how rural service provision affects agricultural productivity, and thus the push for outmigration from the North
- A cost-benefit analysis of private irrigation systems
- An explanation for the low levels of mechanization in Ghana
- A critical examination of farmer-based organizations – when are they useful, and when are they set-up for failure?
Keep posted here for updates on each of these projects and more.