Accra, Ghana - November 8-9, 2012
Online Program
(includes links to papers and video)
The ‘Transforming Agriculture Conference’ looked at how to effect structural transformation both within agriculture and across sectors in Ghana.
Conference Conclusions
- Government needs to shift focus from market intervention to infrastructure and research investment; re-examine the roles and boundaries between public and private sectors.
- As demand shifts from subsistence to urban market orientation and imports increase, the agriculture sector needs to be responsive to these change to be competitive.
- Research is needed to understand land and labor market changes.
- Government interventions like investment in infrastructure, research, and extension services, have resulted in several successful farming businesses.
- Farming in Ghana is diverse. Policymakers need to take into consideration crop variety, agro-ecological zones, type of farmer, and distance to market so government policies can be better targeted to beneficiaries.
- There is a need to improve coordination across government ministries and institutionalize the creation of and demand for evidence-based policy research.